My Story

Who am I?

After going to college for mechanical engineering I entered the workforce in the military defense contracting field.  I’ll never forget the confused feeling that I had after just going through a rigorous 4 year mechanical engineering degree, to then come into an office setting where very little was expected of me. Hardly any engineering was taking place.  At first I felt that there was something wrong with me.  It seemed like no one was there was concerned with getting jobs done, but to really only there to pass the time.  That didn’t feel good to me, and the more I tried to get things done or ask questions, the more people didn’t really like me.  It kind of felt like they just wanted me to do the things they asked me to do and be quiet.  After 3 years at my first job, I moved to another to find more of the same.  It was at this time that I realized that living behind a desk pushing paper wasn’t enough for me.  I finally became confident in my decision of getting out and finding a different way. 


That’s when I started Pleasant Podcasts January of 2018.  One day I was coming home from my 9-5, I started listening to this new podcast that sounded interesting and had great content, but the audio quality was so bad that it was really hard to listen to.  I was already looking for a way to get out of my soul sucking engineering career and I wanted to do work that was more impactful and more in alignment with my passions.  So as I was listening to the bad-sounding audio of this podcast, I thought to myself, if I had this audio file I know I can make it sound better.  I learned how to record, edit, and mix audio from being passionate about music since I was young, so why couldn’t I apply that knowledge to a podcast?  That was my lightbulb moment.  As soon as I got home, I looked online to see if people were already doing this podcast editing service.  I found a few sites that did, and that was all I needed to know it was possible.  I immediately created a website, social media, and started trying to find clients.  


At first I only offered audio editing for other people’s podcasts, but in 2019 I opened a studio where I recorded audio and video podcasts as well as other spoken word audio.  Then the global pandemic caused me to pivot once again to best serve my customers, and become a mobile podcast studio where I went to the client.  Now I focus on teaching podcasting and helping people launch their own podcasts.


I finally launched my own podcast Working Towards Our Purpose in January of 2023, and it has been so inspiring to talk to all of my amazing guests and hear their stories and own paths.  What I have learned is that purpose can change and it doesn’t have to be one specific thing that you are meant to do.  I think I’m still on the journey of getting closer to mine and less worried about not having it all figured out.  


While running my business, I’ve also worked some pretty cool side jobs, and am currently a manager of a farmers market in Edgewood, New Haven.  I love talking to people about their purpose and what their hopes and dreams are, so if you’ve found yourself here don’t be afraid to reach out! Click the big green button at the top to book a purpose chat! I look forward to speaking to you!     

gino cordone, working towards our purpose