Leaving Corporate

E34 Breaking Free from Societal Expectations​ with Chelsea Risling

Stream on: Apple Spotify Breaking Free from Societal Expectations Chelsea Risling is the founder of Meraki Supply Co. a boutique storefront that she opened at the age of 24.  After going to school for philosophy, she decided to take a completely different path and open her own brick and mortar business.  Our dialogue was centered around pursuing passions, navigating through societal expectations, and harnessing the power of community in finding purpose and fulfillment.  Chelsea shared her journey from starting her entrepreneurial path in the boutique retail space to pivoting towards helping struggling businesses amid the challenges brought on by the pandemic. Her decision to close her physical retail location came at an ideal time, right before the pandemic.  This allowed her to shift her focus to assisting other businesses, driven by her desire to provide the support what she wished she had received when starting her own business. Her ability to adapt and find ways to help others is a testament to the resilience and innovation that comes with being an entrepreneur. One of the pivotal points of our conversation was the emphasis on embracing the support of a community while pursuing one’s purpose. Both Chelsea and I highlighted the significance of finding inspiration from others and fostering in-person connections. Our discussion sheds light on the importance of surrounding oneself with a supportive and like-minded community as an essential component of choosing this type of path in life.  With entrepreneurship comes uncertainty, and greater ups and downs.  Having a supportive community around you will help to weather the lows and share the highs.  Furthermore, this episode delved into the evolution of purpose and the importance of staying authentic in one’s journey. Chelsea’s openness about her struggles with overthinking and the pressure to be more responsible as she gets older I’m sure resonates with many.  Her sentiments encourage a reframing mindset to pursue enjoyment and exploration, rather than feeling held back by what societal pressures. Throughout the conversation, it became evident how Chelsea’s journey reflects the ethos of pursuing what feels true and authentic to her rather than what society expects of her.  Her story is a perfect example of how individuals can choose a pursuit of purpose with meaningful pathways to express ones talents and passions. The episode also sheds light on the inherent changes and shifts that occur in the pursuit of purpose. Chelsea’s uncertain future plans, her desire to move back to Canada, and her consideration of new opportunities underscore the fluid and evolving nature of purpose. Her willingness to explore new possibilities demonstrates that purpose is not a static destination but a dynamic journey that evolves over time.  In conclusion, our conversation underscores the power of pursuing passions, navigating through change, and embracing the support of a community. Chelsea’s story serves as an inspiring testament to the resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to authenticity that are essential in finding and working towards one’s purpose.      To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “Embracing impulsive decisions and taking risks should not be hindered by age or responsibilities. Passion over logic can lead to unexpected and rewarding ventures.” Chelsea Risling Topics in this episode: Pursuing a college degree from enjoyment not practicality  Embracing a diverse path not a traditional one Opening a retail store at 24 years old with no experience Being true to oneself Significance of support and community Fostering in-person connections Adapting purpose to changing circumstances Using what you learned to help others Uncertain future plans and exploring new opportunities View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gino Cordone (@pleasantpodcasts) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gino Cordone (@pleasantpodcasts) Bio: Chelsea Risling Chelsea Risling is a Saskatchewan native who after high school, moved to Calgary to pursue a degree in philosophy at the University of Calgary. After getting out of college and doing some traveling, she decided going to law school wasn’t for her and opened up a boutique retail store at the age of 24 with no business experience. After running it successfully for 6 years, she decided to close the doors in 2019 to pursue something new. Closing her store just before the pandemic allowed her to move into a consulting role to help other businesses struggling at the time. She then took an opportunity to move to New Haven and work for the Yale Hockey team, and is now at another pivotal point in her life as she moves back to Canada to redefine herself and move onto her next venture.  Connect with Chelsea:  Follow Meraki Supply on IG Follow Chelsea on IG

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E32 Sharing Lessons from A Trip To Nepal with Michael Cordone

Stream on: Apple Spotify Sharing Lessons from A Trip To Nepal Have you ever felt the tug of a distant destination calling you to embark on an adventure? In my recent interview of Working Towards Our Purpose I interviewed my brother Michael Cordone for his second time on the podcast.  This time he takes listeners on an introspective journey to Nepal, exploring the profound impact of cultural exchange, personal growth, and the power of human connection. Michael just got back from an eye-opening experience during a service trip to a remote village in Nepal with the Sierra Club. The narrative unfolds, revealing the transformative nature of travel, and the pivotal moments that redefine our perspectives on life and purpose.  Michael recounts his encounters with curious children in the village, where he found himself communicating non-verbally with a local man. Through silence and body language, a unique bond formed, transcending linguistic barriers and emphasizing the universal language of human connection. As Michael navigates the village, his lens captures the essence of the community, encapsulating the tight-knit, self-reliant nature and the interconnectedness of its people. The listener is transported to a world where self-sufficiency and community support foster longevity and wellbeing, prompting reflection on Western societal values and interconnectedness. The episode delves deeper into the challenges and rewards of cultural immersion, painting a vivid picture of Kathmandu’s bustling streets and the mesmerizing journey from the chaotic city to the awe-inspiring landscapes of Nepal’s remote villages and snow-capped peaks. While reflecting on the experience, Michael shares his insights on vulnerability and the transformative impact of stepping outside one’s comfort zone. We are reminded of the intrinsic value of embracing vulnerability and the profound growth that stems from such experiences.  Michael’s profound realization paves the way for a meaningful exchange on the significance of sharing experiences to bridge cultural divides and promote understanding. In a world where the pace of life often obscures the pursuit of purpose, this episode invites listeners to embark on a journey of self-discovery, offering a poignant reminder that the moments of vulnerability and cultural exchange hold the potential to shape our understanding of purpose and meaning. The compelling narrative of Michael’s journey to Nepal serves as an evocative reminder that true purpose lies in the pursuit of authentic connections, transcending boundaries, and embracing the transformative power of vulnerability. As the episode draws to a close, listeners are left with a sense of introspection and a renewed appreciation for the profound impact of cultural exchange in shaping our individual paths towards purpose.   To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “You can either choose to listen to the fear and limit yourself or you can just choose to push ahead and see what happens.” Michael Cordone III Topics in this episode: 1 year since leaving corporate  Ups and downs of the first year of a full time photographer  Traveling to Nepal for a service trip What it’s like in the city of Katmandu Helping a small village rebuild houses after an earthquake A community of self-sufficiency in food, housing, and living The significance of meditation and spending time alone Pushing through your fears  Valuing experiencing both the highs and lows in life Bio: Michael Cordone III Michael Cordone III is a dedicated and passionate photographer who has spent the last year immersing himself in the world of photography. After quitting his corporate engineering job 1 year ago, and has since explored many different aspects of the craft and is learning as much as possible.  He also just got back from a month long service trip to Nepal, helping a small village rebuild after earthquake damage.     Connect with Michael:  Follow MC3 on IG Follow MC3 on Substack Buy a print from Michael  

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E28 The Power of Mushrooms: Nourishing Purpose and Well-Being with Patrick Blanchette

Stream on: Apple Spotify The Power of Mushrooms: Nourishing Purpose and Well-Being “I believe that we are all here to spread love, and my platform is through mushroom and food.” These are the words, spoken by the Patrick Blanchette, founder of Union City Farm.  I got to sit down with Patrick in my latest episode of Working Towards Our Purpose.  Patrick shared his remarkable story of transitioning from a career in the insurance industry to becoming a passionate advocate for conscious eating and the transformative power of meditation.  Patrick Blanchette’s path to purpose began with a pivotal realization – the profound impact of processed food and chemicals on the collective consciousness. Motivated by a deep-seated desire to effect positive change, he stressed the importance of altering dietary habits to enhance global sustainability and overall well-being. This awakening led him to redefine his purpose, ultimately embracing a mission centered on spreading love through his devotion to mushrooms and food, while promoting an alternative approach to nourishment. Patrick’s advocacy for the “psychedelic renaissance,” wherein he illuminated the potential healing properties of psilocybin mushrooms and the positive impact that their legalization could have on mental health. His unwavering commitment to prioritizing holistic wellness and fostering a greater sense of interconnectedness was truly inspiring. I also talked to Patrick about his journey in establishing Union City Farm, a gourmet mushroom farm situated in Prospect, Connecticut. His transition from the world of insurance sales to the realm of mushroom farming epitomizes the courage to heed one’s calling, even amidst uncertainty and apprehension. Through unwavering dedication, perseverance, and a steadfast focus on sustainable practices, Patrick has cultivated a thriving venture that champions transparency, quality food, and a deep reverence for nature. A key theme that resonated strongly throughout the conversation was the profound impact meditation had on Patrick’s personal and professional trajectory. Emphasizing the pivotal role of mindfulness in maintaining equilibrium, fostering clarity of thought, and nurturing self-care, Patrick articulated the transformative influence of meditation on his journey. His advocacy for integrating mindfulness practices into workplaces and educational settings was a stirring call to embrace introspective awareness as a means of enhancing mental acuity and overall wellness. Patrick shared his forthcoming expansion plans, including farmer’s markets, grow kits, educational classes, and an emphasis on the medicinal benefits of mushrooms, reflect his unwavering dedication to empowering healthier lifestyles and fostering an enduring connection to the earth. As we navigate the intricacies of our own existence, Patrick Blanchette’s journey serves as a testament to the resounding significance of authenticity, perseverance, and a steadfast dedication to living in harmony with the world around us. Through his profound story, he reminds us that the pursuit of purpose is not merely a personal endeavor, but a collective journey towards cultivating a more conscientious, sustainable, and harmonious world.   To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “Working with mushrooms has allowed me to not just grow food, but to cultivate a deeper connection to the earth and promote a sustainable, nourishing way of living.” Patrick Blanchette Topics in this episode: Being a twin and a competitive spirt  Being introduced to meditation and mindfulness  Realizing when a career isn’t serving you anymore Quitting a corporate job with nothing lined up Using Meditation to let go of negative thoughts  Learning how to grow microgreens and mushrooms Finding a love for learning after school Benefits of eating different types of mushrooms Importance of enjoying the journey and acknowledging both highs and lows Plans for business expansion and community engagement Bio: Patrick Blanchette Born as a twin, Patrick Blanchette has always been competitive, leading him to a career in sales. He started off selling Kirby vacuum cleaners, which gave him valuable experience in talking to people and learning sales. This led him to explore different sales options, eventually landing him in the insurance industry. While it was fun at first, Blanchette started asking the bigger questions in life like why are we here, and what is our purpose.  That led him to believe selling insurance wasn’t his reason for being here.  That’s when he quit and started looking for his purpose.  He found it in mushroom farming and opened Union City Farms, a grower of gourmet mushrooms.  Connect with Patrick:  Follow Patrick on IG Follow Patrick on FB Go to Union City Mushroom Farmhouse

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E24 Finding Purpose by Listening to Your Heart with Genevieve Piturro

Stream on: Apple Spotify Finding Purpose by Listening to Your Heart After reading her book, Purpose, Passion, and Pajamas, I knew I wanted to interview Genevieve Piturro.  Her book’s title popped out to me in a independent book store, so I bought it, and I just loved her story, her book, and her message.   Genevieve Piturro is the founder of the nonprofit organization Pajama Program, and I sat down with her for an episode of Working Towards Our Purpose to discuss the journey of finding one’s purpose and the transformative power of following one’s passion. As Genevieve’s story unfolds, it becomes evident that embracing our true calling holds the potential to not only enrich our lives but also to positively impact the world around us. Genevieve’s story is a testament to the significance of heeding the call of our hearts. Her realization that her career in the corporate world left her feeling unfulfilled underscores the importance of aligning our work with our values and passions. By deciding to explore areas that truly resonated with her, she not only found her life’s purpose but also established a thriving nonprofit that has positively impacted countless children’s lives. The conversation I had with Genevieve sheds light on the internal battle many of us face when pursuing our passions. Genevieve’s struggle with guilt and the fear of judgment as she transitioned from her corporate job to her philanthropic endeavors reflects the very real challenges that often accompany such significant life changes. The openness with which Genevieve shares her journey serves as a source of motivation for those navigating similar uncertainties. A particularly powerful aspect of the dialogue is the emphasis placed on the importance of human connection in discovering our purpose. Genevieve highlights the pivotal role played by individuals who support and understand our passions, urging us to seek out “our people” who will foster our growth and provide the encouragement we need to pursue our dreams. Genevieve’s journey is also a testament to the concept of trusting in the process. Her chance encounter with the an attorney, who ultimately connected her with the legal help she needed, serves as a poignant example of the seemingly miraculous occurrences that unfold when we remain open and committed to our visions. As the episode unfolds, Genevieve and I touch upon the societal shift from fear to love, underscoring the importance of following our hearts to uncover our unique purpose. Genevieve’s openness in discussing her struggles and achievements serves as a catalyst for inspiring others to embrace change and take the leap toward living a purpose-driven life. In conclusion, the compelling conversation I had with Genevieve Piturro serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative potential that lies in following our passions and pursuing our purpose. By sharing her deeply personal journey and the challenges she faced along the way, Genevieve’s story not only offers a source of inspiration but also instills the belief that it’s never too late to make a meaningful impact.     To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “Even an hour a week doing what you love, whether you can do it hands on or you can immerse yourself in the field, research, talk to people who’ve done it. Find a way to bring it a little bit into your life every week, and that will change your whole attitude.” Genevieve Piturro Topics in this episode: Leaving a corporate career for something more Decision to go part-time to ease financial concerns Starting a non profit from nothing Feeling guilty for not caring about your corporate job anymore  Struggling between financial stability and the desire to make a difference Making decisions with the heart and the head  Finding support from a friend who encouraged her to pursue her passion What being on the Oprah show was like  Bio: Genevieve Piturro Genevieve Piturro was born into a loving Italian-American family, where she felt the pressure to uphold traditions. However, she had a different calling in life. After working in a successful corporate career, Genevieve had an encounter with a group of children living in a homeless shelter, which changed the trajectory of her life. She founded the non-profit organization “Pajama Program,” which provides new pajamas and books to children in need.  She has since dedicated her life to helping those less fortunate. Genevieve’s story is a testament to following one’s passion and making a difference in the world. Connect with Genevieve:  Genevieve’s Book: Purpose, Passion, and Pajamas Pajama Program Genevieve’s website  Follow Genevieve on IG Watch Genevieve on Oprah Exercise to find your purpose 

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E19 Navigating the Challenges of Starting a Business with Dave Phelan

Stream on: Apple Spotify Navigating the Challenges of Starting a Business In my latest episode of Working Towards Our Purpose, I had the privilege of hearing from Dave Phelan, as he shared his remarkable entrepreneurial journey. Coming from a background focused on finance and sales, Dave and his partner embarked on a challenging yet fulfilling path of building their startup from the ground up. Dave and his partner initially had no previous experience in tech but were determined to bring their startup vision to life. Despite their limited background, they were steadfast in their commitment to building something meaningful.  Their idea was to create an app to have one place for restaurants and bars to feature their specials.  There was no one place you could go to find this information, so they wanted to be that place. From seeking a trusted team to managing overseas operations, Dave and his partner encountered various obstacles. They turned these challenges into opportunities to learn project management and develop their own efficient processes. Dave candidly shared the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the emotional and financial rollercoaster that comes with starting a business. His story reflects the importance of resilience and determination when facing adversity. Dave’s journey underscores the significance of having a supportive co-founder and spouse. Their encouragement and understanding have been vital in navigating the entrepreneurial landscape.  As Dave’s journey unfolded, he redefined success, highlighting that entrepreneurial fulfillment lies in gaining control over one’s life and aligning work with personal priorities. Dave’s insight on genuine self-promotion and the power of networking serves as a reminder that cultivating meaningful connections and sharing one’s authentic story can be more impactful than traditional marketing. As Dave’s story highlights the complexities and triumphs of entrepreneurship, it serves as a testament to the unwavering spirit of those pursuing their dreams. Listeners were left with invaluable lessons in resilience, determination, and the pursuit of purpose.   To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “Yeah, I mean, honestly, that was super difficult. That was definitely one of the lower points, professionally, personally, admitting that this thing that you’ve poured blood, sweat and tears into was not going to work.” Dave Phelan Topics in this episode: Quitting a corporate job to pursue building a startup app Navigating the emotional and financial challenges of starting a business Balancing stresses and inconsistent salaries Excitement and fulfillment in the startup experience Extreme highs and lows, financial struggles, and moments of fulfillment in entrepreneurship   Importance of a supportive co-founder and spouse Relying on referrals and building strong client relationships Choosing a lifestyle business approach with a small team Power of networking and genuine self-promotion The Journey of starting the podcast to support your business Bio: Dave Phelan Dave Phelan is an entrepreneur who grew up near Philadelphia and studied business at Susquehanna University. After college, he started working at an finance firm but always had a desire to start his own business. Together with his college friend, they came up with the idea for an app called Loople. The app aimed to provide users with information about daily specials offered by bars and restaurants. They left their jobs to focus on building the app, which gained over 50,000 users. Although the app didn’t achieve their desired monetization goals, it provided valuable experience and led them to explore other business opportunities.  This led them to start Founder Approach where they use the knowledge they gained in developing their software startup, to help other businesses. Connect with Dave:  Founder Approach Listen to his podcast Why I Quit (listen to the episode I was on!!) Connect with Dave on LinkedIn

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E16 Networking for Success with Vannesa Moreno

Stream on: Apple Spotify Networking For Success In this episode, Vanessa shared her journey from feeling unfulfilled in her previous job to becoming a successful entrepreneur while also juggling personal challenges.  Vanessa’s story began in a male-dominated industry where she felt her ambitions were not taken seriously. This led her to look for something else.  At the same time she discovered CBD after finding a way to help her anxieties. Her openness about her struggles and triumphs provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by minority entrepreneurs and the importance of resilience and self-care. This podcast sheds light on the impact of the CBD industry and a look inside what a franchise model is, providing valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs who may be considering venturing into this field.  She debunks some common CBD myths and explains some of the various benefits CBD can have on the body, and how it’s helped her personally.   Vanessa’s journey also highlighted the crucial role of setting boundaries, both in personal and professional life. As she navigates the complexities of entrepreneurship, she emphasizes the importance of seeking therapy to establish healthy boundaries, especially with customers who may misinterpret friendliness. This discussion resonates with many who struggle with similar challenges and underscores the importance of self-care and seeking support. The episode also touches on the significance of recognizing when a current situation no longer aligns with our aspirations. Vanessa’s decision to leave her previous job and pursue her own business serves as a powerful reminder that it’s okay to acknowledge limitations and seek new opportunities for growth. One of the primary takeaways from the episode is the significance of networking. Vanessa discovered the power of making connections through virtual networking events and local chambers of commerce. Through networking, she not only gained confidence but also educated her community about CBD and debunked misconceptions, contributing to the well-being of those around her. In conclusion, Vanessa not only provides a glimpse into the world of CBD but also offers valuable life lessons on resilience, self-care, and the power of networking. It is a testament to the strength and determination of individuals who work towards their purpose, even amidst adversity.   To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “I reached a point that I was not happy where I was working. I noticed that it was affecting my relationships, even with the people that I was working with, it was a very stressful environment.” Vannesa Moreno Topics in this episode: Feeling undermined in a male-dominated work culture and lack of growth opportunities The challenges of thinking positively when things don’t go as expected Setting boundaries in personal and professional life, with a focus on dealing with customers Facing challenges as a minority entrepreneur Introduction to CBD and its benefits for humans and pets Tips for networking and getting started Personal and business challenges faced in 2021, including the impact of COVID and becoming a single mom Franchise opportunity, and the support provided to franchisees Bio: Vannesa Moreno Vanessa Moreno is the owner of the Your CBD store in North Haven, which she opened over three and a half years ago. Her journey into the CBD industry began when she was working as a sales administrator at a company that resells and recycles used tires. Dealing with a lot of stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, a friend introduced her to CBD products which worked wonders for her. Encouraged by her friend and his wife, who were in the CBD industry, Vanessa decided to open her own CBD store. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to fulfill her desire of having her own business and help others. Today, Vanessa is proud to be a part of the largest CBD retailer and franchise in the country.  She is also a familiar face in the New Haven entrepreneur community being an expert networker.  Connect with Vannesa:  YourCBDstore on Facebook Find Vannesa on LinkedIn Follow YourCBDstore on IG

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E12 Using Tai Chi to Find Balance with Shirley Chock

Stream on: Apple Spotify Using Tai Chi to Find Balance Shirley Chock, the owner of the iPing Tai Chi School in Milford, Connecticut is known as the “stress bender.” But she didn’t always own a Tai Chi studio.  She used to have a successful corporate career in finance.  In this episode of Working Towards Our Purpose, Shirley sheds light on finding purpose, pursuing entrepreneurship, and the power of mindset. Shirley Chock’s career journey is a testament to the transformation that can occur when we choose to listen to our instincts and pursue our true calling. After a successful career in finance, Shirley discovered the stress-relieving benefits of Tai Chi and made a courageous decision to transition from the corporate world to the realm of stress management and mindfulness. The conversation touches on the pivotal moment when Shirley recognized the need to bring the stress-relieving practice of Tai Chi to a broader audience. Her ability to adapt and innovate in the wake of the pandemic’s challenges led her to take her classes online, leveraging platforms like Twitch, TikTok, and Instagram to build a global community and share her stress management techniques. Shirley emphasizes the importance of mindset and the need to tune into our body’s internal compass. Her insights highlight the significance of sensory awareness and decision-making, especially in a world increasingly reliant on technology. She encourages listeners to pay attention to the signals their bodies are sending, as they often serve as valuable pointers on how to navigate life’s challenges. As the episode unfolds, Shirley’s thoughtful approach to entrepreneurship becomes evident. Her deliberate planning and calculated financial exit from her previous career exemplify the dedication required to pursue a purpose-driven business. The conversation also emphasizes the shift in mindset necessary to value content creation as an integral aspect of business operations, a key lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners. The episode ultimately inspires introspection and reflection, prompting one to consider their own purpose and the role of mindset in navigating life’s transitions. As Shirley Chock embodies the concept of “Working Towards Our Purpose,” her journey serves as a source of motivation and encouragement for anyone seeking to align their professional endeavors with their true calling.   To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “So when you’re a new entrepreneur, just factor that in, you have to give yourself a cushion because the last thing that you want to do is to give up before you had a chance to even get off the ground.” Shirley Chock Topics in this episode: The importance of listening to one’s senses The existential question of why we exist and emphasizes the need to uncover the reason for our existence, independent of societal expectations the importance of using Tai Chi to connect with the body’s internal compass and overcome fear-driven rationalization by the mind Leaving a corporate career to follow an entrepreneurial endeavor  mindset shift required to value content as a crucial aspect of business operations Gaining a large following on platforms like Twitch, TikTok, and Instagram The importance of purpose over passion in entrepreneurship Bio: Shirley Chock Shirley Chock never planned on becoming a Tai Chi teacher or a content creator, but life circumstances led her in that direction. She has always lived by following her gut and choosing the things that felt right to her. Despite having a successful corporate finance career, she unexpectedly found herself in the world of Tai Chi when she took over a Tai Chi leaving her corporate career behind.  Then the pandemic hit, and her in person studio had to close forcing her to think of new ways to teach Tai Chi.  This led her to Twitch where she started holding her classes, creating content, and eventually having online courses.  Shirley proves that you never know where life will lead you.  Connect with Shirley:  Aiping Tai Chi Website Follow her on IG Follow her on TikTok Follow her on Twitch

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E8 What It’s Like Leaving Corporate with Mike Cordone

Stream on: Apple Spotify What it’s Like Leaving Corporate This is a special episode of Working Towards Our Purpose, I got to interview my twin brother, Michael Cordone about his recent quitting of his corporate job to pursue his photography business.  The episode delves into both our experiences of feeling trapped in corporate environments, the transformative power of pursuing passion, and the critical importance of intentional decision-making in work and life. Michael Cordone’s journey began with a sense of uncertainty, as he felt propelled into the field of engineering without a clear understanding of what he truly desired. As a mechanical engineer working in HVAC design for high-end residential properties, he initially found himself questioning the fulfillment and purpose of his work.  His story reflects the prevalent societal narrative that often pushes individuals into predefined career paths, without considering their genuine aspirations. Michael reflections on his own experiences highlight the emotional toll and lack of fulfillment that can result from navigating traditional work structures without intentional decision-making. The conversation takes a pivotal turn as Michael shares his profound realization of the shortness of life and the value of spending time with loved ones when we started talking about the recent passing of our aunt. This awakening stirred an impassioned pursuit of his artistic inclination, leading him to give up his time demanding corporate job and into the world of photography. His decision to transition from engineering to photography underscores the transformative impact of embracing one’s true passions, even in the face of uncertainty and societal expectations. We discuss the complexities of our career transitions and the challenges associated with self-employment. We discuss the importance of maintaining work-life balance, managing distractions, and recognizing the significance of self-care amidst the demands of an entrepreneurial journey. Furthermore, the episode explores the resurgence of appreciating the human connection in photography, emphasizing the enduring value of printed photographs as cherished memories. Michael Cordone underscores the profound significance of establishing a personal connection with the subjects he captures, highlighting the irreplaceable emotional resonance that emanates from authentic interactions. Michael’s journey, from feeling trapped in the confines of conventional career expectations to thriving in the realm of photography, serves as a testament to the transformative power of embracing purpose and making intentional decisions in carving one’s own path. His unwavering commitment to his passion for photography serves as an inspiring example, illuminating the transformative potential that arises when individuals wholeheartedly pursue their genuine aspirations. The episode stands as a testament to the profound potential that unfolds when individuals courageously pursue their true purpose, transcending societal expectations and embracing the transformative power of intentionality in their work and personal journeys. It’s a unique perspective of talking to Michael freshly after leaving his corporate career.  Tune in to hear Michaels perspective and ambitions of his new path in life.   To listen to the full episode and discover more stories of purpose and fulfillment, you can subscribe to “Working Towards Our Purpose” on your favorite podcast platform. “Being stuck in a job for 40 hours is a significant portion of life. You realize you have such a limited time left.” Michael Cordone III Topics in this episode: Societal pressure to attend college and pursue specific careers Michael’s art interest suppressed by fear and conformity Managing anxiety and negative thoughts What it was like leaving a corporate job Valuing time with loved ones Exploring different avenues within photography Emphasizing genuine interactions for meaningful images Human Connection in Photography Embracing failure as a means of learning and growth Bio: Michael Cordone III Michael Cordone, formerly a mechanical engineer specializing in HVAC design for high-end residential buildings, decided to make a change to follow his passion for photography and do work more in alignment with his purpose. Deciding that the engineering field is not a place he wants to spend his energy anymore he decided to go full time on his photography business MC3 Photo.  Connect with Michael: Mike’s Website Check out Mike’s Instagram portfolio  Buy one of his awesome prints

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E1 My Story of Leaving Mechanical Engineering Behind

Stream on: Apple Spotify Welcome to the Working Towards Our Purpose. A podcast where I explore what it means to work in alignment with your purpose, or at least working towards it. In this first episode I talk about my background, and how I got here. I went to college to become an mechanical engineer, graduated, and worked in the military defense industry for 7 years before finally deciding to leave. In this first episode, I’ll walk you through my experience of transitioning from a career in mechanical engineering to founding my own podcast production company, and eventually leaving engineering for good. I’ll candidly share the challenges, doubts, and pivotal moments that led me to make life-altering decisions, ultimately aligning my work with my passion and purpose. I think my story echoes the experiences of many who find themselves in careers that lack fulfillment and purpose, questioning traditional beliefs about work and seeking to align one’s passion with a meaningful career.  Considering what it means to work for more than just a paycheck.  After leaving my engineering job, I transitioned to pursuing my side business in audio production for podcasts full time. I talk about my leap of faith but also the reality of the challenges that come with such a shift. From the initial struggle to build his business, to the eventual breakthroughs and moments of affirmation, my journey is a testament to the resilience and determination needed when following a passion. I believe that work can be more than a means of survival. Hopefully this will resonate with those who have ever felt trapped in a job that didn’t align with their true calling or values. This podcast’s core message, “work can be more than just a job” challenges the commonly accepted notion that work is separate from personal fulfillment.  Are you content in your career, or is there an unfulfilled passion waiting to be unearthed? If not, maybe this podcast will resonate with you.  I believe that working with purpose can be an everchanging pursuit, and doesn’t need to be a destination.  Your purpose can change as you become more aligned with your own values.  After spending years not thinking about purpose, it makes sense that it will be a gradual change.  And that’s okay.  As long as I’m working towards it.     I look forward to the future of this podcast where I will interview others who I believe are working in their own purpose, and together we will learn from them and be inspired by their stories.     You can listen and subscribe to Working Towards Our Purpose anywhere you listen to podcasts. Topics in this episode: Frustrations and disillusionment with office culture Balancing engineering job with entrepreneurial aspirations Launching my side business Pleasant Podcasts Decision to leave the corporate job and pursuit of new career directions Transition to full-time entrepreneurship Discovery of supportive entrepreneurial environments Desire to inspire others to pursue jobs aligned with their passions Mission of the podcast “Just to know that there’s people out there that are doing things because they care about other people is hugely inspirational to me and makes me strive to be better at what I do and to get more refined in what it is that I’m finding is my purpose.” Gino Cordone Bio: Gino Cordone Gino Cordone is the host of the podcast Working Towards Our Purpose, where he interviews people who have found their purpose. He encourages and inspires his listeners to listen to the voice in the back of their heads asking for something more in their lives. In addition to hosting the podcast, Gino also runs Pleasant Podcasts where he helps others launch their own podcasts. Through his work, Gino aims to help others find their own path towards working in their own purpose. Join him on this journey of self-discovery and inspiration. Connect with Gino:  Follow my SubStack Follow me on IG pleasantpodcasts.com   

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